IIPMooViewer 2.0 Beta

It will soon finally be time for a new release of the IIPMooViewer! To whet your appetite and allow you all to test it out, here is a beta release of the forthcoming version 2.0. This new release contains a huge amount of funky new features and has been upgraded to use the latest web technologies, while still maininting backward compatibility. New features include:

Synchronized viewers
  • HTML5 based
  • CSS3 styling, transforms and transitions
  • Mobile device support on iPhone, iPad and Android browsers
  • Annotation of regions
  • Image rotation
  • Multiple protocols: you can now use with static Zoomify or Deepzoom tiles as well as the IIPImage server
  • Improved API
  • Speed and performance optimizations
  • Synchronized viewers: you can now link several viewers together to scroll synchronously
  • … and many more 😉

You can try out several demos featuring annotated regions or synchronized viewers or optimized for mobile devices.

You can download the beta release here: iipmooviewer-2.0-beta.tar.gz.